COVID-19 and Pregnancy: What to Expect


Being pregnant on its own is challenging for any woman, no matter what symptoms you might encounter along the way. Feeling sick, dizzy, and absent-minded yet extremely busy for 9 months is difficult for many reasons, on top of your 9-5 job and taking care of the home, especially if you have other children to care for. If you were pregnant in 2020 or are pregnant now in 2021, congratulations for making it through a pandemic with your baby growing inside of you! Being 7 months pregnant now, I completely understand the stress and hardships that this crazy year has brought us soon-to-be mamas, and I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone. Let me share with you all how I handled being pregnant during COVID-19, and some positives I’ve decided to take out of this experience.


During the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, countries were shut down, and people were not allowed to go places, especially to large gatherings. Here in the United States, many places still had essential workers out and about, and grocery stores and other places needed for daily life were open with limited capacity. This pandemic caused many people to have to work from home, so many people got laid off from their jobs, and most people with common sense stayed home more often than going out, to prevent the spread of the virus, protecting themselves and other people. I personally love to stay home anyway, but the fact that this uncontrollable force caused everyone to hibernate in their houses made the feeling of being home different. Many people felt isolated from others during the pandemic, especially elderly people who are more susceptible to the disease. 

This being said, pregnancy is definitely affected by these issues. While I am pregnant, I have not been able to be as active as I would like due to this pandemic. Normally I would spend a lot of time at the beach, walking around at the park, and exercising in public spaces, but over the past year my activities have been limited to my house and my neighborhood. Other pregnant woman surely feel the same as I do, frightened to go out too much because no one really knows the effects on our babies inside from this virus. While there are mostly negatives associated with being forced to stay at home during this time, I also choose to focus on the positives. It has been nice focusing on myself more at home, and transforming my personal space into something more beautiful than I could have imagined. Ordering online is the old but new go to in our online world, so I have used this to my advantage while decorating my rooms.


During the beginning of the pandemic while everything was starting to get shut down, I remained going to work every day as an essential worker. Throughout the process, masks were introduced as an everyday style, we have been forced to stay separated from one another by at least 6 feet of space, and everyone just seems scared of other people. This world has turned into a nightmare, and having to work through it all as if everything is normal has been terrifying, especially while being pregnant. Pregnancy during this time is very stressful, and this is something that can affect your baby. I have learned how to handle a very stressful situation while growing a baby inside of me, and I have some great tips to share on how to remain calm for you and your baby. 

The first thing is, remain grateful that you still have a job! As stressful as it can be going to work during a pandemic, many people unfortunately have lost their jobs, so you are one of the lucky ones still making an income. Another important factor to keep in mind is that you are still getting out of the house! While it seems nice to work from home and not have to worry about catching the virus, many people are getting bored and tired of being inside their houses all day every day. While you keep these ideas in mind, practice yoga and meditation when you get home from your long day at work, and you will be good to go. Set aside a good 30 minutes after work to destress your mind so you can stop thinking about coronavirus. During this meditation or yoga practice, focus on what you are grateful for, whether it be your health, your job, or your family. This is not only good for you, but it is good for baby too!


Going to work during this time may be stressful, but at least you have your baby to look forward to. Week by week, your belly grows, you start to feel those tiny kicks, and you savor the moment of your baby growing inside of you. Seeing your baby moving on the ultrasound is a magical moment that you would naturally want to share with your significant other, so when this is crushed by the pandemic, it can be heartbreaking going to your appointments alone. I know I faced this feeling while my husband waits for me outside of the doctor’s office in the car, and the only thing I wanted at that moment is for him to see our baby on the monitor with me. I feel bad that he isn’t able to come inside to talk to the doctor along with me since it is his baby too, but at the same time I understand why these rules are put in place. 

Something I have learned from this lonely doctor appointment experience is that no matter what, my baby will get to know both os his parents once he makes his debut. Although it would be nice if both of us could get to go to these special appointments, our baby isn’t missing a thing, and right when I get outside to the car and my husband talks to my belly, he kicks and rolls like he’s at the playground. Another important factor to remember is that my husband is just one phone call away. Anything he wants me to remember to say, he will just call me to remind me. Anything important that the doctor says that I want him to know, I will text it to him so that I don’t forget, Technology these days is an amazing thing, and we are using it to our advantage now more than ever.


This may be the worst of them all-only one person is allowed inside of the delivery room with you! I never imagined a time where I would give birth without my mom at my side, coaching me throughout the process that she has endured three times. Her knowledge and experience of childbirth and having kids is something that I look up to her for, and I will always ask for her advice. Being in the coronavirus pandemic, only one person is allowed in the delivery room with me, and it is only fair that I pick the father of my child and my husband, since he is my life partner and his child will be coming out of me. But I will still miss my mommy, and I know she will miss out on being there with me, and not being able to visit afterwards. 

Although I will miss my mom being there for the delivery, I am so lucky to have a supportive husband by my side! All you mamas out there with supportive partners during this time, now is the moment to feel grateful for that person who is sticking by you no matter how messy it gets. Just remember how much you will need your partner while those contractions are killing you, and thank them for being there for you. I cannot imagine being alone during that time, so it is important to be grateful for what you have, and remember that you have someone to hold your hand while you’re in pain.